Suffering from repetitive strain injury from continuously being in the same position all day, whether your standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time or even lifting and carrying all play havoc on your bodies overtime causing pain and discomfort which can effect everyday lifestyles.
Starting with an exfoliation to rid the back of dead skin cells, infrared heat therapy to warm the tissues with warm paraffin wax to get deep down into the muscles to ease the pain from deep within.
Please use the form below to contact me!
If looking for a just by chance appointment (if you dont ask you dont get massages 😃) text me on: 07952474712
If you've got a gift voucher, know you're chosen treatment and preferred day and time let me know and I'll see what I can do 🤞
Please note all appointments require a non-redundable deposit. So if you cancel your appointment less than 12hours prior this will be lost
Please note little auld dee is a one woman band so all messages will be replied too asap x All appointments require a £10 non-refundable deposit paid in cash or bank transfer to secure where i need at least 12hours notice of cancellation of appointment x please note if less than 12hours is given you will be required to pay another deposit again to secure appointment and original deposit will be lost
Office location
JD Gyms, Cumbernauld Town Centre, Glasgow, G67 1BTGive us a ring
07952 474712Send us an email
[email protected]